This line:
`ResourceBundle resource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.github.msarhan.ummalqura.calendar.text.UmmalquraFormatData", locale);`
crashes the app if run on French / German / Russian etc…
I can't set minimum date lower than 1400 so I can't use it for birthdate
Even if I set a date less than 1400 the date picker will ignore
private fun showHijriCalendarDialog() {
I have been trying to put a hijri date picker dialog to fetch date of birth. But it won't go past year 1400 Islamic year. Please help.
Um Al Qura calendar gives wrong results for dates 1937-03-13 and earlier. The day actually comes back as a negative number.
>>> ssf.format('[$-170000]yyyy-mm-dd', 100)
Valid date should be between 1356 AH (14 March 1937 CE) to 1500 AH (16 November 2077 CE)
at com.github.msarhan.ummalqura.calendar.UmmalquraGregorianConverter.ummalquraData
Since umalqurra is supported on Python 3 (cf. https://github.com/tytkal/python-hijiri-ummalqura/pull/5), the tests in https://github.com/scrapinghub/dateparser/blob/1764bcfb4932b8928541d8ff58c91b391c1…
Date: 10 Safar 1004 Hijri to Gregorian
um = HijriDate(1004,2,10)
print um.year_gr
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hj.py", line 21, in
um = HijriDate(1…
When I try to:
from umalqurra.hijri_date import HijriDate
it throws the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions…
App getting crash when the device language is other than English or Arabic with ummalqura calendar. I tried to update library version to 2.1.0. Unfortunately its min sdk is 19.
While buildi…