Hello, trying to update 100 custom entities. Got this error
It works only at this configuration:
would it be possible to refresh a childtable dropdown whenever a user edit the parent row?
I mean: with the child table opened, if I edit the parent row record (choosing a different value from a r…
Hi all,
Im looking for a way to update selected rows in child table
Scenario, record in SC.READY state is edited and saved / committed.
Thoth is using a DiskStore.
Client sends:
➜ intl-example git:(master) ✗ npm run dev
> antd-intl-example@1.0.0 dev /Users/samliu/gits/demos/intl-example
> dora -p 8001 --plugins webpack,proxy,hmr,livereload
The save strategy saveRecord method is bound to store events related to changes
in data. As written, it expects a store and a record as arguments. This works
for storeRecordAdded and storeReco…
**Edit:** Works only after reloading the page
**Login:** Routs to the correct page but does not load user information. Also there, edit works only after reloading.
Need to fix...
# 🚀 Feature request
### Command (mark with an `x`)
- [ ] new
- [ ] build
- [ ] serve
- [ ] test
- [ ] e2e
- [x] generate
- [ ] add
- [ ] update
- [ ] lint
- [ ] xi18n
- …
**Describe the bug**
If you don't pass a file into the CREATE API, the error message suggests file-or-artifact required. Advisory/UpdateRecord is non-Artifact cont…
We should add support for a filter formula string or query on the update methods, so it doesn't have to be done by ID.
Something like:
``` javascript
asyncAirtable.update('table', {
where: "{n…