Implement the backend API endpoint to handle user registration and store user data securely.
Implement backend logic to store user registration data securely
As a new user registering on the CC Portal, I want to be required to enter a username so that my profile is identifiable and searchable, enhancing the platform's organization and user experience.
[This issue is imported from pivotal - Originaly created at Jul 1, 2016 by Pieter van der Meulen](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/124143221)
A user can start a new registration in the SS wh…
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### Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it
Error loading workspace folders (expected 1, got 0)
failed to load view for file:///C:/Users…
- **Description**: Implement the frontend page for user authentication, including both login and registration forms. This page should handle user inputs, validate the required fields, and send request…
Design a user registration form with email and password fields
Design a user registration form with email and password fields
The User Interface of registration form is not looking good and user friendly. As soon as the user is typing the username and password he is bombarded with red color validation errors. This is horribl…