**Application made attempt to call method of already deleted object: $000001613F26D4D0 OBJECT [TComboBox (cmbSelectTimeStep)] 1512 bytes.**
[000000007549F35E] Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomComboBox.Change
### .NET version
### Did it work in .NET Framework?
### Did it work in any of the earlier releases of .NET Core or .NET 5+?
### Issue description
Parent container control …
**Application made attempt to free invalid or unknown memory block.**
[0000000051DAED90] System.TInterfacedObject.BeforeDestruction
[0000000051DA2472] System._BeforeDestruction
**'8/04' is not a valid integer value.**
[0000000060AB78E7] System.SysUtils.StrToInt
[000000006182B7FC] BulkMeterUnit.getDate (Line 132, "BulkMeterUnit.pas")
[000000006182D1C6] BulkMeterUnit.Read…
**'' is not a valid integer value.**
[00000000609378E7] System.SysUtils.StrToInt
[00000000616AB7AE] BulkMeterUnit.getDate (Line 130, "BulkMeterUnit.pas")
[00000000616AD1C6] BulkMeterUnit.ReadDate…
### Windows Terminal version
_No response_
### Windows build number
### Other Software
_No response_
### Steps to reproduce
Build the following code for 32-bit tar…
**Access violation at address 00000000704635D5 in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000010.**
[00000000704635D5] frmStraightLineDiagram.TFormStraightLineDiagram.GetNodeElementList (…
**Range check error at (00EABA6D){Edisan6.dll } [59C0BA6D] adb.AdbTabGetTextC (Line 5514, "adb.pas") + $13.**
[59C0BA6D] adb.AdbTabGetTextC (Line 5514, "adb.pas")
[746376C2] VCRUNTIME140 (possibl…
**Access violation at address 000000005C185D68 in module 'Swift6.dll'. Read of address 00000000000039B8.**
[000000005C185D68] SwiftProject.TModel.get_ProjectTable (Line 3109, "SwiftProject.pas")