is their any way i can use these filters in video.
if not is their any way to add filters.
did anyone developed filtershowcase for video ?
In Backdrop Live, @indigoxela talked about an approach to making video filter more privacy sensitive by using some JS to only load the video in the iframe when someone asks for it. Please @indigoxel…
Does ijkplayer support video filters ?
I use `chromaKeyFilteringColor` in order to remove my green background from my video but this creates a green border color around the character.
How can I remove this border?
my code:
Doesn't seem like most of the filters work or they don't work well. Here is a video of me trying to get them to work. Mesen-S Ver. 01.0.5. Also if I try to go to https://www.mesen.ca/snes/ I get a 403…
Have an issue with inactive checkboxes in versions after 0.8.3b.
0.8.5b have some…
-Improve filter_oembed allowing adding link to Microsoft Stream videos, tranforming hyperlinks into embedded content of the courses:
### Version of RiMusic
v0.6.58.1 by fast4x
### Android version
### I've done these:
- [X] Uninstall old build before installing a new one
- [X] Checked opening issues about my similar problem
K2-2K updated
2 weeks ago
var configure = TLPhotosPickerConfigure()
configure.maxVideoDuration = 3
configure.allowedVideo = true
configure.allowedLivePhotos = true
configure.allowedVideoRecording = true