- [x] install Gulp https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/getting-started.md
- [x] install Gulp Sass plugin
- [x] install Gulp CSS autoprefixer https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-autoprefix…
what is best tool / frmaework to test gRPC-Web protocol ?
incorporate the information from the [Web-based Tools for Identifying Underserved Communities doc](https://cawaterboards-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/greg_gearheart_waterboards_ca_gov/EZ9xso_GAI5O…
With Weblate all of the broken functionality is gone, and it is possible to set up a real translation effort.
Also I can work on the source strings then.
After today's discussion on gitter, I decided to start an issue that would compile every piece of information, so it doesn't get lost in gitter chat logs.
Everything below is up for discussion, thi…
# **Blender and OS versions**
Blender 3.2.2, Windows 11, GDAL-3.4.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64, numpy-1.22.4+mkl-cp310-cp310-win_amd64
# **Describe the bug**
I have used BlenderGIS for a long time…
The website should be added to the Google Web Master Tools. Also, a sitemap should be provided.
Im using the desktop version and after running the tool, i get results, that are very different than those from the web tool. I also get only 68 indecies. Im not sure why this is happening as im…
After I select the board, the error "Failed to download manifest" appears.
I've tried using several different cables and all USB ports on two computers, but the same error appears.
Just build my first kit and used the Airrohr Firmware Flasher for this. Works really easy! But thought I could mention the FOSS project [ESP Web Tools](https://esphome.github.io/esp-web-tools/). It le…