Google hangout on air: [Webcast](https://plus.google.com/events/ca9v6dii91kapaqici7cmtqcgk4)
Etherpad for notes and questions: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/ubcstudygroup-biomart-aug19
jstaf updated
9 years ago
**Start time**: 3 PM Pacific time, August 12
**Live stream URL**: TBD (check back ~10 minutes before kickoff!)
**Where:** [Biodiv 224, UBC](https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Beaty+Biodiversity+Museum,+Vancouver,+BC+V6T+1Z4/@49.2634569,-123.2500362,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x548672c9f84be123:0x1c431143106eb830)
### Welcome New Study Groups
Two new Study Groups got started in the last month - one at the [University of Minnesota](http://schae234.github.io/studyGroup/), and the [Open Desk Study Group](http://n…
This is undoubtedly the wrong place, bu I have no idea of where to send new content.
Please can you promote the QGIS User Group – Wales on your ‘Upcoming user & development meetings’ section of the Q…
``` yaml
# Ticket imported from Trac
# Reported by: lsyroka
# Originally assigned to: lsyroka
In colaboration plugin http://indico.cern.ch/indico/adminPlugins.py?pluginType=Collaboration there's …
I have an error that seems to occur occasionally that I'm trying to track down.
First, some versions:
Python 2.7
GitPython: 0.3.6
At times, calling the `stream_data` method with a f…
Tried using the most recent PyAV just to get stream information from a RTSP stream. Does the library lack support?
Error when trying av.open on a rtsp stream:
No handlers could be found for log…
Meaning all of the links on the spreadsheet are dead https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApRO2Yzh2z01dExFZEdieV9WdTJsZ25HSWI3VUxsWGc#gid=0
I couldn't find a cached version of the page either…