The Paho library for Websockets uses a subprotocol version for distinction between 3.1 and 5.0 of MQTT.
As such, the CONNECT packet's variable header can have a different protocol name (0x00, 0x06 in…
Hi team,
I created Lib WebSocket client to capture the 5MB data from server. In server it is divided 5MB into 5 Frames of 1MB. For each 1MB data transfer from server will wait for the acknowledge f…
## Summary
The ballerina graphql package provides client implementation to execute query and mutation operations by connecting to the server. But the subscription operation is not supported by the cl…
客户端意外断开连接后,服务器未针对心跳超时关闭websocket连接,导致_chargePointStatusDict 还存储了状态数据,而且此时通过api发送websocket消息会出现异常
private static Dictionary _chargePointStatusDict = new Dictionary();
FuYan updated
3 weeks ago
Basically in Javascript I can make this
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080', 'my-own-subprotocol');
But the configuration for the websocket only allows the following settings
| Set…
Hello for everyone.
Even using, even using wss://, the websocket shows me a error:' WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed.
Error on line on Autobahn.js: self._websocket = new …
Hello for everyone.
Even using, even using wss://, the websocket shows me a error:' WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed.
Error on line on Autobahn.js: self._websocket = new …
Artillery fails to caputure websocket responses and display the messages_received count and rate
**Version info:**
Artillery: 2.0.6
Node.js: v21.5.0
OS: linux
Can't figure how to define a subProtocol
WebSocketUpgradeHandler.Builder upgradeHandlerBuilder = new WebSocketUpgradeHandler.Builder();
WebSocketUpgradeHandler wsHandler = upgradeHa…
While attempting to connect using the `ws` client I encountered this error:
tinode.service.ts:45 DOMException: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The subprotocol '[object Object]' is invalid
alxgh updated
2 years ago