**Describe the bug**
`ValueError: in user code:
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ydata_synthetic/utils/gumbel_softmax.py:77 call *
cat_cols = [GumbelSoftmaxLayer(name=name)(col…
Hi Vincent, what was the compatible NNLib version? Does master from here https://github.com/vincentmolin/NNlib.jl work?
I would like to raise a second issue regarding writing the simulated climate data into a file. Basically, I am thinking if I can use your code to train a model based on our climate data and wri…
The loss function of the generator is wgangp-model?or just" g_loss = -torch.mean(fake_validity)"
File : https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/blob/master/src/mlpack/methods/ann/gan/wgangp_impl.hpp#L79
I'm reopening this issue since the [Dual-Optimizer PR](https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/pull/2876)…
**Describe the bug**
Hi all, I encountered this error when trying to load a trained model using WGAN_GP.
> ValueError: Unknown layer: Synthetic Data>GumbelSoftmaxActivation. Please ensure this objec…
Hello, thanks for creating this repo and I found it very helpful for me to play with basic GAN structures. I tried to replicate the reported performance by running the code with the following setups
I'm adopting pix2pix model to my project. Throughout the training process, I noticed Loss_D_real and Loss_D_fake remain the same after epoch 1, but Loss_G_L1 keeps decreasing. Although it quite …
I am trying to beautify the teeth using GAN. In the upper picture, the teeth are not very straight. I want to use GAN to generate the straight teeth just like the teeth in the lower picture. Can pix2…
在 errVAE.backward() 这一行代码中
我的pytorch版本 1.5.0