sto creando un sottomenu con al suo interno 5 voci. Nelle ultime due voci di questo sottomenu vi sono i seguenti pulsanti: "Social" e "Multimedia".
Il problema è che mi ritrovo con il…
I was originally really excited about the Nav Menu widget, but the limitations of creating a header with Elementor becomes very clear, very quickly.
As soon as you start to add a button widget or a…
Not sure if this is the best place to request help. I would like to edit the understrap/inc/bootstrap-wp-navwalker.php file inside my child theme (ie: understrap-child/inc/bootstrap-wp-navwalker.php…
As of https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/24503, themes are able to indicate that they support having non-link blocks in existing menu areas by adding `add_theme_support( 'block-nav-menus' )`.…
When I include "require_once('wp-bootstrap-navwalker.php');" in my functions.php, some pages of wp-admin (e.g. wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=popular) are not longer working (HTTP ERROR 500)
Hi Basti,
Is it possible to create a mega menu with the existing navwalker?
I want to have one child item, without the surrounding ``-tag. I was able to get rid of the opening tag by skipping line 171 if the element holds a certain css class. I struggle with getting rid of …
hi when i download bootstrap template
gives css and js files
I know how to run these files only on the home page
The theme is getting corrupted when I add it to the sccs folder
If you only work on…
#### Steps to reproduce the issue:
No Issue. Just would like the option to make the parent llnks of the dropdowns clickable instead of the # for the link.
#### What I expected:
#### What hap…
Hello there,
I've encountered a problem which I haven't had before with navwalker.
Wordpress-Version: 5.7.1
Navwalker-Version: current
Bootstrap-Version: 4.6
#### What I expected: