_The following peer review was solicited as part of the Distill review process._
_**The reviewer chose to waive anonymity.** Distill offers reviewers a choice between anonymous review and offering …
Copy of invitation:
pete@peerj.com | pete@peerj.com | Mon, Jan 14, 9:16 PM
-- | -- | --
Dear Dr Murray-Rust,
I am the co-founder of PeerJ, an open access journal publisher wh…
_The following peer review was solicited as part of the Distill review process._
_**The reviewer chose to waive anonymity.** Distill offers reviewers a choice between anonymous review and offering …
### Feature Description
Mixed in Key can analyze tracks for [energy level](https://mixedinkey.com/harmonic-mixing-guide/sorting-playlists-by-energy-level), which is something that would be pretty coo…
fwcd updated
5 months ago
# Story Review: [Issue 174](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/TuringDataStories/issues/174)
**Story Name:** Machine Learning for the 20th century: Can a United Kingdom database from 1987…
_The following peer review was solicited as part of the Distill review process._
_**The reviewer chose to keep anonymity.** Distill offers reviewers a choice between anonymous review and offering r…
**Submitting author:** @MarDiehl (Martin Diehl)
**Repository:** https://github.com/damask-multiphysics/DAMASK
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): JOSS-paper
**Version:** v3.0.0-beta2
## Summary
- What is the name and purpose of your chapter? **Literate programming**
- Why are you proposing it? Because literate programming is a crucial tool to support open research. We co…
_The following peer review was solicited as part of the Distill review process._
_**The reviewer chose to waive anonymity.** Distill offers reviewers a choice between anonymous review and offering …