Is there any simple cmak c++ example for inference with onnx converted models ?
It would be very helpfull
PS: ncnn/android one is complicated
Hi ! Thanks a lot for your work and support on the yolov5 face detection.
I am using your repo to train a face detector on a custom dataset. I got a model .pt that is working fine and I am willing to…
在这个 [fork](https://github.com/JiaPai12138/yolov5-dnn-cpp-python-v2) 中,我根据运行您另一个仓库https://github.com/hpc203/yolov5-face-landmarks-opencv-v2 里的main_export_onnx.py文件调整了一些参数以及更新了common.py部分代码,成功转换…
in yolov5-face/utils/loss.py:
the 169th, 170th:
#landmarks loss
plandmarks = ps[:,5:15].sigmoid() * 8. - 4.
why landmarks multiply 8 and minus 4?
eeric updated
3 years ago
in yolov5-face/models/yolo.py,
from the 71th to 75th line, such as
y[..., 5:7] = y[..., 5:7] * self.anchor_grid[i] + self.grid[i].to(x[i].device) * self.stride[i] # landmark x1 y1
How did you ge…
eeric updated
3 years ago
RuntimeError: step!=1 is currently not supported
Hi! It is my honor to see your achivement! I want to ask you a question about how to train my own fish dataset instead of people face dataset? What should I change in your codes? I would appreciate i…
ImportError: cannot import name 'non_max_suppression_face' from 'utils.general' (D:\pythonProject\pytorch\yolov5_face_landmark-main\utils\general.py)
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I followed your instuction for arcface and converted to tensorrt. It is working great with 6 time less inference time. Can you help me to use this with python. The onnx parser doesn't work for me as i…