The current documentation is a great start and the getting started guides are superb and easy. However a major roadblock for any developer starting with Dash Platform is when the examples don't work o…
It seems like `npm i @binance-chain/javascript-sdk` causes errors on old versions of node. I was on `v8.12.0` and ran into the error that I've pasted at the bottom. Updating to the latest versions wor…
I added your libs, ex: "github.com/binance-chain/go-sdk/keys"
and use NewKeyManager method
and I also use libs: gobcy, btcsuite, go-ethereum ...
but when I run "go run server.go" for my API
Hi,I want to get the price of BNB,I use the sdk of JavaScript.
A valid Transaction may be treated as an invalid Transaction because of different system config(for example, a small max open file per process), and cause a consensus failure which is irrepa…
Trying to get a full node running and it runs for a couple minutes before it exits with 137 status code but without any interesting logs...
docker run --rm -it varnav/binance-node
Log ou…
Attempting to compile code that imports tendermint (via binance-chain/go-sdk), I'm running into
../../../../github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/tx.go:136:42: undefined: amino.Typ3_ByteLengt…
curl 'x.x.x.x:xxxxx/abci_query?path="/account/myaddr"'
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"response": {
"value": ""
How I can get one transaction with transaction id using sdk? Tks
I getting this error starting the node, some tries before was working fine, but now always i get this error and the node don't start.
the config/priv_validator_state.json and data folder was remove…