- Laravel Version: #.#.# 5.6.
- PHP Version: 7.2
- Database Driver & Version: mysql 5.7
### Description:
Doing this:
$modelItem= Model::create($exampleArray);
It seems that the regulator deprecated this validation from their SOAP WebService; now the only available method to do this validation is using this tool (manually):
#### Impacted versions:
#### Steps to reproduce:
- Crear una segunda compañía (multi-company), e intentar ponerle nombre, el RNC o Cédula.
#### Current behavior:
Traceback (most rec…
I am trying to create a database and tables , but I want to do after the request to the server to be successful, I do not want to create it when you open the application , as I have seen they do in mo…
The webservice of the DGII not just validates RNC, but also the Cedula, and this is needed to get the information from persons that also have fiscal identifications with the regulator.
Desarrollar el menú para el desbloqueo de impresión del carnet
La palabra **cédula** aparece sin tilde y con tilde, debería ser únicamente con tilde.
from stdnum.do import cedula, ncf, rnc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\gvalv\rn…
Seria bueno implementar soporte para las impresoras Bixolon y Tally Dascom.
De la Bixolon SRP-350 estoy haciendo investigaciones de implementaciones en Python y si llego a algun resultado les puedo c…