### 1. Issue or feature description
When I tried to build a CUDA application in a Docker image which is based on l4t-base:r32.2, the build was terminated with `cicc: not found` error.
I ran a l4t-ba…
Facing this issue in docker on a new installation. Logs show `UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stream_codec' referenced before assignment` error which seems strange because its such an obvious progr…
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => 4.3.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 18.04
- Docker version => 19.03.8
- nvidia-docker => works
- python => 2.7
- GPU => GeForce 1080ti …
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.45.0-nightly (99cb9ccb9 2020-05-11)
$ cratesfyi --version
docsrs 0.6.0 (3125c8b 2020-05-08)
$ cratesfyi ...
[INFO] running `"docker" "create" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/works…
Hi Alexey
Currently i am working on .net core support for linux with your darknet lib. I try to build the `.so` file and make some tests. It already works when I pass a file path, but i have troubl…
For v2.0.0 release we support this only for a non-docker install of Opendatacam, in order to support it for a standard docker install of opendatacam we should:
- Add a way to mount custom .cfg .wei…
### Releasing v3.0.0-beta.3 🎉️ , featuring:
- **Complete rewrite of Docker setup / install process** in order to use `docker-compose`
- Update darknet fork once again using the new -dontdraw_bbox …
Hi. Thank you for providing a great image.
Actually I'm new to using Docker, and confused with making use of commands on Docker containers.
I'm gonna execute YOLOv3, darknet.
You explained that "$…
I guess I'm up to generate v3.0.1 builds ;-)
### Releasing v3.0.0-beta.2 🎉️ , featuring:
- **Support for YOLOv4** (set `"NEURAL_NETWORK": "yolov4"` in config.json)
- Upgraded docker setup and build workflow, see https://github.com/opendatac…