Reported by direct email by Matthew Morena:
"Attached are several matlab matrices (see dijkstra_algebra_mwe_morena.mat), one of which is the weighted adjacency matrix, WeightAdjMatrix, that I have b…
For deeply silly reasons, it has become conventional in phylogenetics to represent spaces as underscores in taxa names (e.g., _Homo sapiens_ would be `Homo_sapiens`). Owing to this historical blunder,…
Add a parser for [Phylip](http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html)
_Suggested for [GSoC 2012](http://biojava.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2012)_
Does this module still exist?
I recently installed scikit-bio with pip on OSX. I have never used scikit-bio before.
`dir(skbio)` returns the following:
['DNA', 'DistanceMatrix', 'GeneticCode'…
When trying to read a gzipped file using scikit-bio's I/O system, the following error is raised while sniffing:
``` python
In [1]: from skbio import DistanceMatrix
In [2]: import gzip
In [3]: f = g…
I want to show the distance and duration between two markers in an infoWindow. Those variables are getting updated every 10 seconds as a result of a request and changing marker positions. I can print …
I'm currently using Google's distance matrix to find distances between 1 point and many points. I'm using PHP to do so. Can I use your service as a replacement seeing my app already reaches the max re…
##### Orange version
##### Expected behavior
Application successfully published in dist directory!!
##### Actual behavior
(orange3venv) C:\Users\Desktop\OR…
[This line](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/blob/master/skbio/stats/distance/_base.py#L772) does not create symmetric matrices (since it's modifying it in place, it depends on how numpy will tra…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2221*
**milestone:** HeuristicLab 3.3.14 | **component:** Problems.ProbabilisticTravelingSalesman | **priority:** medium | **resolution:** done
#### 2014-07-24 12:…