What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Initialize mysql backend
2. Insert triple that has Literal as value
3. Execute SPARQL query "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL { ?o
?op ?ov } }"…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Add triple ?abc with no language
2. Sparql query: FILTER (lang(?abc) = '')
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: Match
Actual: …
Here is a patch that makes unnamed graph SPARQL queries look for triples
also in ConjunctiveGraph's contexts matching the from clause.
This is not enough for properly implementing:
# There seems to be a problem with the >= and = xsd:date("2007-12-30") && xsd:date(?date) = xsd:date("2008-01-01") && xsd:date(?end)
graph.query returns a sequence of tuples, but for almost no cost, and full
backward compatibility, they could be collections.namedtuple objects instead.
Then we can write code like this:
for row…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
The following code fails:
where = GraphPattern([("?x",URIRef('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name'),"?name")])…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Prepare an XHTML+RDFa document in which there are both an element
producing a typed literal, and an xml:lang specification (e.g. on the root
html element)…
ZODB store is not working or at the very least lacking documentation on how to
make it work.
Original issue…
from rdflib.Graph import *
# This code generate an assert
Graph().query("""select * {
optional { ?a ?b ?c }
optional { ?d ?e ?f }
?x ?y ?z
# This is OK
Graph().query("""select * {
?x ?y ?z…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
query = "DESCRIBE ?uri WHERE { }" # or "DESCRIBE ?uri"
bnd = { Variable("?uri"): DFL['ralf'] }
result = store_graph.query(query, initNs=dict(foaf=FOAF, vc=…