Don't mark as pending review commits submitted by people not participating code review (usually not in Monterail Team).
``` ruby
# config/initializers/raven.rb
# Override logger level for staging
class Raven::Event
We have some duplication of users.
`User.group(:username).having("COUNT(*) > 1").count
That happened for rails-assets repository:
=> #
irb(main):024:0> Repository.where(id: 70)
=> #
I just found it the best. http://rudionrails.github.io/yell/
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but the rails assets gems don't seem to properly import stylesheets.
I'm looking at the select2 gem as an example. The top level select2.scss contains:
- I've resolved enough merge commits, it's not fun anymore
- We never really use rake `db:schema:load`
- What's the point?
/cc @jandudulski, @sheerun, @chytreg, @szajbus, @Ostrzy, @jcieslar, @ta…
So that we won't get the same commit twice
For config files that can contain sensitive data put it in `.gitignore`, add sample file to repository and write about it in README. The file should be named using the following convention: