[0x00400c90]> pd 1 @ eip
Invalid address (eip)
[0x00400c90]> pd 1 @ [eip]
0x10102464c457f ff invalid
[0x00400c90]> pdj 1 @ eip
Invalid address (eip)
[0x00400c90]> pdj 1 @ …
Reading registers behaves differently when using radare2 normally, and when using HTTP interface. Using normal (terminal) interface works fine:
$ cat test.c
int main(){return 0;}
$ gcc test.c
$ r…
this will allow to use r2pipe.js without depending on r2 to be installed in system.
Do the same for other remote io apis.
radare2 should be able to do elf manipulations
- [x] resize sections
- [x] add sections, done with `S off va sz vsz name mrwx add new section (if(!vsz)vsz=sz)`
- [x] change permissions on sections
I write a bat file with the the content as below:
radare2.exe -qi script.py 1.bin
but throw a error :
python: can't open file ''script.py'': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I'm encountering a display issue using @radare within the viper. The visual mode isn't responsive, and when quitting it's doing weird stuff see this asciinema: http://radare.tv/a/103
Since the recommended way to use r2 from foreign languages is to use `r2pipe`, shall we kill the (borken) bindings?
I am trying to get the value of `elf_header.entry`, for example.
``` asm
[0x00000000]> pf.elf_header
ident : 0x00000000 = .ELF...
type : 0x00000010 = type (enum) = 0x…
should r2pipe drop a new shell?
$ alias chair='r2 r2pipe:///bin/sh'
$ chair
Child is 20174
Maybe it's a known bug but I can't use a long string when using w6d
Could be nice for creating r2 script to reproduce issue found during fuzzing or other bug such as https://github.com/radare/radare2/…