Let's assume that my project depends on a component that declare more than one main file, like the following:
``` javascript
"name": "componentName",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": [
The lack of true namespacing and scope within CSS is a real problem when trying to build plugins or re-usable CSS modules.
A popular solution is to add a pseudo namespace with a ns- prefix. For exam…
reading the preliminary docs it should be possible to change themes with adding a new theme path. that looks nice ... however, bootstrap uses different classes than foundation (and a customized theme …
Better support for testing models and controllers.
prop: value
prop: value
Maybe it's harmful for some reason, because it's doesn't work so in SASS, but works in LESS, Stylus. But I perso…
For me, the biggest difference between 2.1 and 3.0 versions is that the newest one try to write in the TEMP directory (minify function and Graphics class (now Image)) which causes a large performance …
I have a User model
class User
include Mongoid::Document
field :name
embeds_many :watchlists
which embeds many Watchlist(s)
class Watchlist
include Mongoid::Document