Hi all,
I'm trying to compile (with make) Darknet on a Kaggle Notebook, but I keep running into this problem:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libcuda.so: file not …
I run yolov4 on Jetson NX,but can not get correct bbox
use darknet2onnx.py to convert yolov4.cfg and yolov4.weight.
then convert to yolov4.trt
when run demo_trt.py yolov4.trt dog.jpg 416 416
Whilst building the common-image for subt, It seems that python-vcstool has been moved out of incomming.
I was able to get the install to continue by installing it via pip.
so replaced the pyt…
getting above mentioned error after executing this line
`sudo docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t darknet_yolo_gpu:1 --build-arg GPU=1 --build-arg CUDNN=1 --build-arg CUDNN_HALF=0 --build-arg OPENC…
Hello everyone!
I've been able to run ODC (npm run start) with custom weights for aerial vehicle detection without any console errors. The only problem is that the video stream opens in a Ubuntu s…
I am trying to take a look at you software but I have a problema with NUC and Coral.
My config:
# See the README for the full list of configuration options.
- name: Backyard
I tried to get the latest non docker build working. I updated the darknet first, then I rebuilt ODC. Unfortunally I seem to be running into the minor issue of Yolov4-Tiny not starting. I…
**Objective**: Enable/Create a Lemmy instance(s) hosted over I2p.
The end-goal is that the end-user will only need to connect to Lemmy using I2p.
**Description**: Explore possibility of Lemmy inst…
I'm seeing this pop up in the log. It doesn't cause the system to stop, but doesn't look like it should be happening either:
Exception in thread Thread-13:
Traceback (most recent call last):
我在ubuntu系统下无法载入docker, 自己安装了一套opencv环境,在运行时提示:
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.0.0) /io/opencv/modules/dnn/src/darknet/darknet_io.cpp:552: error: (-212:Parsing error) Unsupported activation: relu in function 'Re…