A DataPackage might only contain a metadata object and no DataObjects, as in the use case
that a user is uploading a package via dataone R package that refers to datasets residing at another location …
I have a situation where some resources (e.g. a PDF file) are in the same directory as the `datapackage.json` file, and some other files (e.g. the source files used to generate the PDF file) are in a …
[_pandas_](https://github.com/pydata/pandas) seems to have quite a lot of traction at the moment, and provides a really powerful way of working with tabular datasets.
Having datapackage support as pa…
Using https://github.com/ropenscilabs/jsonvalidate. @pwalsh where can I find the schema for data packages?
It should be possible to do:
``` python
import datapackage
dp = datapackage.DataPackage('http://data.okfn.org/data/cpi/')
It seems our code only support DataPackage before https://github.com/datapackages/datapackage-py/commit/7dda21c3b9b5295360ddd7a179dae0655904e343. For more info, check https://github.com/datapackages/d…
- Consistency in naming and access (data vs meta data, etc.)
- Data methods ( https://github.com/okfn/jsontableschema-py/blob/master/jsontableschema/model.py#L186-L221 ) should use `tabulator-py`