If I am building a 32-bit mlton on a machine that has >6GB of physical ram, then the default ram-slop of 0.7 seems to cause mlton to allocate more than 4GB of heap and fail. This is because there is n…
Are there any plans to have toplevel similar to ocaml/sml-nj in mlton?
I'd like to modify the Makefile to use a conditional expression to choose between SML and MLton compilation.
So in other words, this would build with the default compiler:
$ make
$ make coin
$ …
MLton compiled CC0 displays the following:
C0 reference compiler (cc0) revision 104 (built Mon Aug 27 18:46:06 EDT 2012)
Usage: /afs/andrew/course/15/122/bin/cc0.exe [OPTION...] SOURCEFILE
The args library breaks with coin and code; there's not really a good way to do command-line configuration as a result.
The proposal would be to have an argument -afoo (or --arg=foo) that passes on t…
Regression tests rjs-basic/evil-\* exhibit this bug.
So we can do trees and linked lists.
eholk updated
11 years ago
Figure out how to do really big ints.
Bei Dateinamen und -pfade mit Leerzeichen wird folgender Fehler ausgegeben (z.B. bei der Datei "~/Hallo Welt.c0")
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2: ~/Hallo: No such file or directory
(Originally created this as a milestone, but I kind of wanted to have comments, so doing this instead.)
I wanted to ask if we want to try to get to v1, and what we should try to support there.