I have a question about the short term storage tier. My understanding of the Netflix deployment is that data is mirrored across AZs and that instances fall under auto scaling groups.
I have tried t…
Good morning, I downloaded the latest master files from this morning and on the 14th and I wasn't able to compile the generated code. Attached are the steps that I took and errors encountered. Please …
Hi, just came across the repo while checking out potential geonode deployments I could utilise for a regional open GIS data portal. Tried out the docker-compose build on a latest docker for mac build…
mod = model.__module__.split('.')
if(mod[-1] == 'models'):
app_label = mod[-2]
**Kubernetes version** (use `kubectl version`):
Kubernetes v1.3.5+coreos.0,
Kube-dns add-on v19 from gcr.io/google_containers/kubedns-amd64:1.7
- **Cloud provider…
Although getting a complete National Dex in Gen 7 is still not quite legal, with Pokémon Bank right around the corner, I would recommend allowing users to create Gen 7 living dexes with the National D…
Context : We want to test an external software with our S3server.
Look like the software needs an DNS resolved endpoint, and doesn't support IP.
It would be nice to have a default endpoint configured…
I was saving [this page](http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:766397) using the Embedded Metadata translator, but I noticed that the URL was set to the URL of the current page as show…
I'm working with a number of stages (basically 1 stage per developer), and naming N APIs in the Gateway with identical names is extremely confusing there (as API Gateway UI isn't perfect yet, either).…
Nopik updated
8 years ago
v15 KaLite running on Ubuntu 15.04. I can logon to KA Lite using Firefox or Chrome from Windows clients. I cannot logon using Internet Explorer 11 running in Win 7 or Edge running in Win10. It's not r…