I recently did some testing, and you can access objects through locked doors.
A GIF I took the liberty of recording, showcases this. When repeatedly spamming opening the doors, there's a period of t…
I am new to OpenFOAM, so I don't have almost any OpenFOAM programming experience.
I would like to build DL models in Python, and use the smartsim/smartredis infrastructure to to make communication be…
Existing checks in OCLIsBuiltin(...) function are not sufficient to identify OpenCL builtins correctly. There is a possibility that user can define/declare functions with names that could cause them t…
The homepage showcases logos for companies that use styled-components in their websites with an animation
There are 70+ logos that run across the screen, below is a link to the original issue by @j…
### 📝 Description of the example
Add an example of a `Mode Superposition Transient Analysis`:
- show data source creation, scoping in time, on mesh...
- add a final section on selection of modes …
### Clear and concise description of the problem
Couldn't find a way to turn off the `Design System/Tailwind` section inside Histoire.
### Suggested solution
A config option where you can specify i…
How do we track water use reported by a water right owner for their right for all their sites?
The water right permit is for many sites, as in this example. Likely the owner will report water withdra…
Perhaps we could add the tiny HTTP server there?
That I think showcases a few cool things (like the fact th…
I often (but not always) see gray border around characters and billboards in [clustering demo](http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Clustering.html&label=Showcases):
Adding entities (or any kind of Cesium object with a definitionChanged object) to an Entity as a non-standard key causes a listener to be added to it, and not removed.
Here's a Sandcastle example s…
ggetz updated
5 years ago