Followed [this model](https://huggingface.co/speechbrain/asr-crdnn-transformerlm-librispeech)
from huggingface models hub.
## Error
Hi, would you share the processed dataset mentioned in your paper or the preprocessing code? Thanks.
Thanks for this great work.
I'm getting following error while executing trainSpeakerNet.py with customized(less number of samples from voxceleb1) dataset for training and evaluation. But I got t…
Hi there,
I have been using the speaker verification model ECAPA-TDNN and it works great for speaker verification.
I want to take this model and apply it to **other speech classification** tasks …
How can I get the username and password?
All utterances are extracted from YouTube, so a fairly natural sample of celebrities in Western media
X: audio utterance
Y: speak…
I am wondering about how you extract the speaker embedding for a new speaker after train the model. I am a new to this area. Really appreciated it if you could explain about that @dvisockas @joonson .
I have trained segmentation with my own data, anh then use it together with pretrained embedding speechbrain/spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb to produce speaker diarization pipeline. The segmentation training an…
Hi, thank you very much for your project. While reproducing your code, there is a problem, ZeroDivisionError: division by zero. Please how to solve this problem.
Traceback (most recent call last):