Hi @ratiw, Great job on Vue Table component !
Well, I've got an use case here where is needed to load all vue-table props from the server.
For example, this is what I have on the server:
``` php
How do i use it inside a component? Can't figure out a way.
I get the following error in my console:
``` js
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
At line 45 of lib/v-client-t…
Is there a way to put a limit to the number of links shown in the pagination?
![pagination length](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11343048/17083328/08ac881a-51a6-11e6-9bd2-e25d86e8eab3.pn…
Previously vue-table working nicely on safari 9 (el capitan). But, when i'm using safari Version 8.0.7 (10600.7.12) on yosemite, the table doesn't shows up and the web inspector give me an error:
hi.i get the new error here.
vue.common.js?e881:1019 [Vue warn]: Error when evaluating expression "isCurrentSortField(field)": TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (found in component…
- Vue.js version: "vue": "^1.0.24",
- consumed using: webpack
- FULL error message (including stack trace):
server.created @ funeral-plans.9b70455….min.js:formatted:8069
Vue._callHook @ fune…
How hide action btn for a row,from a specific condition?
There are no docs at all.
I'm working with a set of data that returns a list of "show logs" and their related "shows". What is getting returned when queried with Vuetable is something like this:
"total": 8,
Like a new feature, example:
For inline editing data and update or any process after change data in the cell! :D
This is a component -very tiny, simple- for this work, only fo…