The altitude is not currently being set logically when zooming to features. The camera position is correct but the range from the feature is not at a useful range. The range typically will not change …
TIFF v6.0 reader providing read-only access to individual TIFF band pixel bytes. Provides access to individual raw pixels bytes without photometric interpretation. Supports the following types of pixe…
WorldWind is not currently re-rendering when changing the zoom levels correctly resulting in geographicText objects not sitting in the correct location relative to the parent shape.
Calling map.setMilStdLabels on WorldWind will de-select any features that were previously selected
When running the create and edit primitives test scripts, the font being assigned to the fontFamily is not being applied on the create and edit scripts. The font seems to default to arial.
MilStd multi-point symbols are drawing incorrectly or not at all.
* AssemblyArea and Boundary are two examples that will not draw
* Contain does not draw correctly
Migrate the WorldWindServerKit baseline from 2.10.0 to latest GeoServer production release.
- [Release 2.11.0 Announcement](http://blog.geoserver.org/2017/03/23/geoserver-2-11-0-released/)
- [2.11…
They need to be re-added as top-level layers
This is to make line editors work. The vertices will be base 64 images.