When logged in using an existing Arkane account, it appears I'm not logged in when coming back to thorblock
The arkane transaction popup shows 0 vet as the amount, even though I typed 12 (11.94) in the form
but the actual tx that is visible on veforge shows the whole amount (https://testnet.veforge.com/tra…
dadeg updated
6 years ago
### Expected behaviour
Lock the account when the pin code for the account (or master pin) has been entered wrong 3 times.
In case a specific PIN was used for an account, only lock that account.
When m…
Was ist hier fraglich?
Ob das da steht? Ob von Riemer, oder ob das die einzige Änderung ist, die nicht fixiert wurde?
This AIP is inspired by Tezos where inactive addresses are not allowed to vote (or mine, in our case forge) until they are re-activated. They consider an address as inactive if it's not showing any ac…
Can we have the ability to save keywords (can be referred to as video tags) as well? They may be hidden on the page normally, but it's clearly visible in the source of the page.
VCB_CONSOLIDATED_BUFFS_TEXT_15 = "Großer Segen der Weisheit"
The Type ü ö ß and Ü are wrong
I've fixed this and it works.
if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
VCB_MAIN_NAME = "Vanilla Consolidate Buff-Frames"
Originally reported by: **AbaddonLoktar (Bitbucket: [AbaddonLoktar](https://bitbucket.org/AbaddonLoktar), GitHub: Unknown)**
Der Zauber Arkane Konzentration (http://looking4group.de/database/?sp…
Originally reported by: **Anonymous**
Mir gelingt es nicht, den Aufzeichnungskristall an dem Teich zu verwenden. Wenn ich an der Stelle stehe, die die wahrscheinlich korrekte ist, bekomme ich di…