Hi Miguel Martin, first I would like to say I'm impressed that you are building this kind of tools at your age, it usually take some years of coding to get the knowledge and confidence to code this th…
L4D15 updated
10 years ago
Easy one this time. Could we get a variable length utility method for adding components to entities?
`public void addComponents(Component... components)`
can youi please add some listener like:
enetity added to world, entity removed, entity component changed, world updated.
I think that is usefull to keep in sync artemis with other not-entity sist…
The screenshots show what happened in my latest game but this is the fourth game it's happened to me (variety of leaders). All occurred using 14.1 of the Communitas pack and CSD v17. I've only notic…
If a GameObject is created outside of the `Game` class it won't render, even if the `SpriteRendererComponent` was added to it.
The entity is in the Artemis-Cpp's systems and the components are attach…
L4D15 updated
11 years ago
I seem to have trouble posting on the Artemis forum, so I figured I'd ping you here instead. I'm the guy working on gdx-artemis. (https://github.com/apotapov/gdx-artemis)
You guys have done an awesom…
convert the current entity system which is inefficient to use the artemis entity system which can be found
here http://gamadu.com/artemis/
This shouldn't be too hard as the core engine seems to work …