org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'shiroFilter' defined in class path resource [com/centerm/fud_demo/shiro/conf/ShiroConfig.class]: Bean instantiat…
大哥,我拿你demo搞的,我发现sharding-jdbc-spring-boot-starter的版本差别很大啊,4.0.0-RC1版本的复合分片策略的between and这个不能使用,我看了源码,是bug来的,4.0.0-RC2修复了这bug,但直接项目起不来了,说注解找不到, 你试试。太坑了
I want use JPAQueryFactory , the constructor parameter is javax.persistence.EntityManager , but spring boot 3.0 is jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Is it possible to use a Spring Boot project using the Thin Launcher as a dependency on another project?
I.e It would be useful if the Maven plugin generated a class that can be called to load all t…
## 问题描述:
## 依赖版本:
基于dubbo-spring-boot-project 2.7.6 - 2.7.8 均存在该问题。
## …
OpenJDK _12.0.1_ with even Kotlin _1.3.40-eap-67_ works fine. However, using OpenJDK _13 build 23_ I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.la…
`@FXMLView(value = "./helloworld.fxml", css = {"./test.css"}, bundle = "com.example.demo.helloworld")`
@FXMLView Annotate has 3 property, value, css, bundle, but there are some formatting problems.…
I tried the .jar with my change on a demo project using Spring Boot and everything worked fine. After, I tried the same project in .war + Wildfly 26.0.1.Final and I was able to replicate the ClassNotF…