While executing our testcases (both for Web and Heavy client), we are facing with following issue:
- Testcase implementation is actually being done on a laptop in 1366*768 resolution;
- R…
when Elodie is launched to import photos from ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads folder, an exception is raised.
The command used is :
`./elodie.py import "~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads" --destination ~/Organize…
Elodie, by default you copy my photos, but it looks like you then adjust the timestamps of the source not destination files! Please do not adjust my source files, I would like these left untouched!
I am trying to use the mass downloader to retrieve seismograms from various networks. I have located an error with the network CN. There seems to be a problem with the xml files. A few mseed and xml f…
I am trying to use the mass downloader to retrieve seismograms from various networks. I have located an error with the network CN. There seems to be a problem with the xml files. A few mseed and xml f…
Je fait tourner des tests sur la version 1.1.14 et j'ai un problème avec une step qui ne s'exécute pas. Lorsque je mets une action keypress et que je mets PAGE_DOWN, il ne se passe rien.
Reproducible in
Google Chrome 23.0.1271.64
Google Chrome Canary 25.0.1333.0
Non-reproducible in
Not tested
Mobile browsers
- Create a tabbed interface with tabs-s…
The service:
...returns a VOTable but the linked data is not downloadable
The service:
...returns a VOTable but the linked data is not downloadable