I'm really enjoying lexima and I almost never complain. It's also a much better alternative to `@tpope`'s "endwise" which doesn't seem as configurable as this one. However, I'm having a rather…
How do I actually install this? I'm not great at vim, and the usual stuff I do with pathogen doesn't seem to load the plugin.
Sorry for being a noob :)
I get this when set up the vim plugin :
line 15:
E117: Unknown function: plugin#begin
line 16:
E492: Not an editor command: Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
line 17:
E117: Unknown f…
In my version of latex-suite (https://github.com/gerw/vim-latex-suite), I have changed the mechanism of `\ref`-completions. The current version of latex-suite greps through the tex-file for `\label`s.…
My configuration for rest-nvim has been unchanged for months but after updating to the latest version it breaks my configuration and I get the following error.
Failed to run `config` for rest.…
When I use the default comment style using NERDCommenter, the `/*... */` is applied, while my Hive version only recognizes the standard SQL `--` comments.
Is there an easy way to change that? (Sorry,…
Is it possible to have this? Thanks,
- `nvim --version`: NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1037-gd6d4e3d1a
- `vim -u DEFAULTS` (version: ) behaves differently? yes
- Operating system/version: Archlinux
- Terminal name/version:
- `$TERM`: xterm-256…
TODO: あらかじめ予期される(vim-jpであったような)質問・反論に対する回答を全て書いておくべきか否か。あまりに長くなりすぎると逆に読んでもらえなくなったり、レビューを後回しにされる可能性が高まる。ただ、毎回答えるのが煩雑なのも確か。
I have boiled my vimrc down to include these two plugins using dein:
if dein#load_state(expand('~/.config/nvim/dein'))
call dein#begin(expand('~/.config/nvim/dein'))
call …