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Bonjour !
Seriez-vous intéressé par l'intégration d'un plugin pour Laravel 5 ?
Il pourrait être directement intégré sous un namespace Ovh\Sms\Laravel.
Si oui, je pourrais contribuer en cela :)
I have the following code in laravel, but no matter what I do, it always throws an exception.
`NumberParseException in PhoneNumberUtil.php line 1348:
Missing or invalid default region.`
Right now there are two terms used to describe a notification:
- `Notification` (obviously) - e.g. [`CouldNotSendNotification`](https://github.com/laravel-notification-channels/skeleton/blob/d9d64fd50…
Imagine if we have a `TeamHasNewUser` notification which we would broadcast to everyone under the team, and we have set `via()` as below:
``` php
class TeamHasNewUser extends Notification implements …
I try to install it on my laravel application whic use last laravel 5.2 but have a problem. Composer return me an error:
` Problem 1
- Conclusion: remove laravel/framework v5.2.37
- Conclusi…
I've installed your package in my Laravel 5.2.39 app, and successfully used it to send SMS via Twilio, so I know everything's set up correctly. Very impressed by the ease of use, and similarity t…
'mobile' => [
'unique' => '手机号码已经注册,请直接登录',
'required' => '请填写手机号码',
'zh_mobile' => '手…
因为现在 5.2 的路由新增了 web 中间件,而此包内置的routes文件并没有启用 web 中间件,导致相关的 session 组件也没有启动,也就是说无法通过 session 存储,只有无会话方式才能正确调用。
first thanks for this very cool library.
we hit an issue when trying to use the pretend function.
The doc says to call it statically but the definition is not static.
As a result we get an exc…