Hi @jasonslyvia Thank you for putting out this library. Wondering if it supports showing the components to Google and other search engine bots, and/or if that is something you'd consider adding?
`'src=""` sets a white 1x1 GIF as placeholder. This looks really ugly if the background is anything other than white. A transparen…
Hey guys,
I have a question. Do you know if it's possible to assign a CSS animation(rather than the JS animation set in the plugin) for the lazy loaded items? I'm wondering if anyone knows or used …
`ROCKET_LL_ASSETS_URL` etc. URL-s are defined very early: thus [CDN MU/plugins](https://github.com/szepeviktor/tiny-cdn) are not able to alter the URL of e.g. `lazyload.min.js`
Please use…
Apologies in advanced for the newbie question. I'm trying to build rfm from the source (git clone of repo) and seeing a bunch of "Not Found" messages returned by gulp:
Fetching Styles Sour…
We are getting and error after implement lazy load for images on our website, is getting the image from the source and putting it as background on style attribute, but is also displaying both images. …
On windows:
On installation you can see
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Warning in lazyLoadDBinsertValue(data, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) :
I'm using `` once in the app.js render() method, however console shows `react-youtube-lazy.jsx:285` loading an object in console in an infinite loop. How do I resolve this so it only loads once?
I'll try to look into adding this via a PR but would be nice to add [gatsby-transformer-sharp](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/tree/master/packages/gatsby-transformer-sharp) so we can do responsive…
gil-- updated
2 years ago
Die Ladezeit von einer Frage zur nächsten ist auf einem Testsystem mit 2 cores und < 16Gb RAM ca 15 Sekunden.
Wir sollten versuchen herauszufinden, wo hier die meiste Zeit verbracht wird. Mögliche …