マストドンが使うことになった絵文字ライブラリは emoji-mart https://github.com/missive/emoji-mart で、
これは emoji-data https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data の絵文字データを利用している。
Subway Tooter でも emoji-dataの絵文字データを使うことにしたけど、
### Description
add missing quest_template_locale text quest 10139-10337 for zhCN/zhTW
### SQL fix
DELETE FROM quest_template_locale where locale in ('zhCN','zhTW') and id in (10139,1014…
`componentWillReceiveProps` will be removed in React 17.x.
I'm not sure how to title this, but this is a bug report to capture the details I sent to the [#bug-reports](https://roamresearch.slack.com/archives/CN2L1UUHY/p1588083612296100) slack channel
(!) This depends on #1 and #2 , so there's no point in starting this unless these two are solved
We need to try to send a simplest transaction using regtest wallet. To solve the issue, create a PR …
Emoji Mart v3 was released a few days ago, it would be nice to update our dependency and maybe revisit some old issues.
Full changelog: https://github.com/missive/emoji-mart/blob/master/CHANGELOG.m…
In case it is outdated, what is a proper (recommended) way to update the contents of this file?
We can expose a script api for that purpose.
Some emojis that are rendered, render with the individual emojis that they're made up on (for example, the pirate flag, is a black flag, and a skull and crossbones).
Some examples:
- [ ] EE112
- [ ] EE113
- [ ] EE126
- [ ] EE127
- [ ] EE128
- [ ] EE129
- [ ] EE132
- [ ] EE133
- [ ] EE139
- [ ] EE28
- [ ] EE76
- [ ] EE112A
- [ ] EE114
- [ ] EE11…
Add forwarding of `className` prop to root div on `Picker` component