We are working with Module Builder and creating a content type called Catalog. For Catalog, we hide the standard "Create" button and instead implement our "Create" button.
Our "Create" button opens…
I am trying to implement /$count API in server side, which means $count is calculated in server side, not return a collection as getting the whole collection is a waste of resource.
I did …
### Expected behaviour
Login should complete.
### Actual behaviour
Login fails to "complete", `TypeError` exception raises, server returns 500.
Chaining of multiple .Filters does not work.
In my case I'm trying to combine the following:
var data = await context.For().Filter(myString).Filter(myExpression).FindEntriesAsync()
where myString is…
I've got "The MIME type 'application/json; odata.metadata=minimal,IEEE754Compatible=true' requires a '/' character between type and subtype, such as 'text/plain'." After trying to get data from functi…
i was wondering if the ODataMetadata class has any support for inline annotations.
In the TripPin Example Service (https://services.odata.org/V4/(S(ct10fpe4d4afxt4kd53utjpa))/TripPinServiceR…
### Describe the bug
I am trying to run Get-MGAuditLogSignIn with a filter to retrieve the signin attempts from a specific application (Azure Portal).
When I run the command I get this result:
As suggested by @phillipseamore the Ensemble API (see #81) can be extended by probabilistic weather forecasts to calculate the likelihood of a given weather condition directly in the API.
I encountered the following error from a call to `DistributedCacheExtensions.GetStringAsync` for a cached item accessed frequently with a short (10s) expiry.
Looking at the implementation, I suspe…
@Tomsgu could you please help on this issues?
**wkhtmltopdf version(s) affected**: [0.12.6](https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/0.12.6-1) with wkhtmltox-0.12.6-1.msvc2015-win64.exe