If there's a physical entity composite that uses a reference ontology term at the end of the composite physical entity, SemGen should use that entity's reference term URI in the final triple, not an …
Is there potentially a problem submitting simulations shortly after an image refresh was triggered? or are some image refreshes failing?
I was able to run a couple simulations with BoolNet this hou…
We currently have the following data model for a described Identifier, which has a label and uri.
``` typescript
label: string
uri: string
However, we are using the Uri field to provide a …
id: pysces
version: 1.0.0
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_PySCeS/c9f885ab577e3292bc2d73ca9cf28a927df0a5fb/biosimulators.json
id: vcell
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_VCell/14226e2f85acdb7f3e9abd39017faa0121200689/biosimulators.json
- [ ] Get the closest algorithm(s) among the algorithms supported by a simulation tool to a specific algorithm
- [ ] Get all of relatives of the specific algorithm
- 1: parents and siblings (o…
id: copasi
version: 4.34.251
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_COPASI/9be4d2078b845f0cdb89e87da43d1058ab773b1a/biosimulators.json
Currently, all the files of the directory, including the omex and sbatch file. These should be removed.
id: gillespy2
version: 1.6.4
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_GillesPy2/d638c53346298a9747cbcd02145eed47395e8f4c/biosimulators.json
id: bionetgen
version: 2.5.2
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_BioNetGen/3d78fcc649bdb959d97ec7ad4c474ed1b3ed36fe/biosimulators.json