Using the TTGO-T-Beam with @DL9SAU fork firmware, for some reason the location beacon of the TTGO-T-Beam LoRa iGate itself does not go to APRS-IS
I can verify that connection to APRS-IS is function…
Historically, the Spanish-American War was between the United States and Spain, and not directly involving most of the rest of Europe. Spain appealed to other European powers for help, although they s…
**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
Since Esphome is becoming more and more complete system, it would be useful to implement modbus tcp feature.
I have created a separated repository for this. I'll probably start from scratch **but first** I want to have a specifications sheet that defines everything, from API interface with nodes to performan…
The sensor SDS011 delivered incorrect measured values. The new sensor now shows this behavior after less than a year. The picture of the measured values shows the behavior best. Every day for a certai…
Can't send query parameters passed in HTTP requests URLs with symbols "&" tried ```&``` and %26 but the url gets cut off once it gets to the ESP8266
Example URL…
I am not sure what happened or if it is a me issue, but ever since the app got updated on the 9th of December, my base stations have been unresponsive from the app. but if I use the website, my base s…
Hello all,
I got a MT7922 PCIe card, but i'm having trouble make it work. hostapd fails with:
*wlp4s0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->COUNTRY_UPDATE
Frequency 5180 (primary) not allowed f…
The base view is a 3d map of a base it will display all the