Hello and thank you for the repository!
The model training on Imagenet dataset will take a lot of time. Could someone upload a pre-trained model?
The link to the pretrained model has not been given. On running demo_two_stream.py I receive the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo_two_stream.py", line 124, in
How can I get access to the pre-trained models?
We were trying to use your code without training and we always got the error that the pre-trained models are not found. Could you upload your .h5 files for all 3 models?
In the pegasus paper, there are two types of pre-trained models, PEGASUS_BASE and PEGASUS_LARGE. And there are different choices of training corpus, c4, HugeNews, and Mixed & Stochastic. I'm wondering…
It would be great if pretrained Reformer models become available (e.g., trained on BooksCorpus and English Wikipedia).
I’m using one virtual machine with 6 CPU / 1 GPU (11GB) with 56 GB RAM, I’m facing memory allocation error to load the pre-trained model Wikidata5m, using the python interface, can you explain why?
Other frameworks, notably Caffe and Torch, support loading in serialized models that other people have trained, which facilitates wider sharing and reuse of results. That Blocks doesn't really have an…
Pre-trained wor2vec model is available here https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/
look for the file GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz
Google recently released other pre-trained m…
Hello @QinSY123,
nice work! Are you planning to release your pre-trained models?