Hi, I've run into a problem. The debug version starts fine but the signed release version (optimized and obfuscated with ProGuard) crashes. I have the line:
-keepclasseswithmembernames class \* {
I am using your wonderful library because i need to draw spatiallite database in a map.
However i don't get to draw a spatiallite database.
You can download it here http://box.jisko.net/d/726…
We are getting nearer to a Spatialite 4.1.1 version support.
- However there is one grave issue that still must be resolved **_before**_ considering a beta-test.
- for some unknown reason queries wi…
The present version of Spatialite in the library only creates pre Spatialite 4.0 Databases.
- starting with SpatiaLite 4.0.0-RC1 the 'Well Known Text' field of 'spatial_ref_sys' is called 'srtext' bas…
Need to check the spatialite connection to shapefiles via virtual tables.
From the spatialite list:
I suspect you can use virtual tables for this. I tried following sequence (on Android device) …
Must this now be done differenty ?
git push origin master
ERROR: Permission to geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi.git denied to mj10777.
ERROR: Permission to geopaparazzi/libjsqlite-spatialite-android.git deni…
Reported by alessandro.battisti, Aug 28, 2013
I can't load a Tilemill .mbtiles (sard2.mbtiles) as basemap in Geopaparazzi 3.6.2, my log: http://www.pasteall.org/45206
I can load it only if I modify …
This project compiles properly
- version shown in geopaparazzi:
- [javasqlite[20120209],spatialite[4.1.1],proj4[Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012],
geos[3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921],
As suggested by @mj10777 , it would be good to have all the partner projects customized available from the geopaparazzi github main project (there should be a way to create umbrella projects.
I think…
maybe in "spatialite" ?