you continue train for 5000 iterations, the training set is LFW dataset or the original training phase dataset?
i am confused about the training dataset. can you explain to me?
This result mostly come from the modification of center loss. Instead of updating centers manually according the paper, I made centers as learnable variable and applied a little bit weight decay to it…
From the form of the loss function, I think adding the lambda can be seen as using smaller m. I have plotted the curve of `lambda=5, m=4` and find that it is approximately m=1.5.
I guess grad_scale can be important for each loss function. Thus it would be better if you can add this argument in your operator.
### Context of the issue.
I have a big data set and can't get past the loading part of training. From searching I think there is a table somewhere (with possibly the directory of images/folders?) whi…
Why we don't use whole training dataset in each epoch? There is example for casia to use 1000 iterations (epoch size) with batch size 90 and it is 1/5 of whole casia set per epoch.
I would like to …
When I try Classifier training of inception resnet v1 as described on the Wiki my validation rate is always very low (max of about 0.5). I have tried several things, I tried upping the epochs, upping …
我只使用casia webface作为训练集 使用您的pytorch训练代码(lightcnn-9) 最终在LFW 6000对的评测上仅能达到100% - EER 97.2 TPR@FAR=1% 94.333 BLUFR 结果为82.67 …
Hi @AlfredXiangWu ,
my training datafile like this:
/home/jonanza/datasets/casia/CASIA__144/3599667/037.png 0
/home/jonanza/datasets/casia/CASIA__144/1466221/082.png 1
many thx for the previous reply!
two more issues:
1. have you tested the model on the CASIA_B dataset? can you achieve the 90% around accuracy?
2. have you observed the final performance dif…