# Beschreibung _What passiert? Was erwarten Sie? Weitere Details sind better._ ## Plattform / Umgebung _Windows / Linux / Android? Welche OpenXR-Laufzeit, oder ist das der Flatscreen-Simulator? Welche…
Literally cant install this thing cause dependencies are hard to install, are outdated or are just an inconvenience to install.and cant find a proper guide for arch linux.
I want to do some research regarding egocentric attention prediction. It should be under social benchmark, but I can't find it in av_val.json. I only found tracking paths of participants and whether t…
I have re-build your project with CMake, but unfortunately there is no output in GLFW window. It is blank white, and the VR connection only shows `Xr-test` message, nothing else.
## Description
Installed on a pico neo 3 pro eye running firmware 4.6.3 .
When starting the app, it immediatly crashes.
Is this supposed to work already or is it a work in progress ?
I've always found mouse control with the Tobii EyeX much much jumpier than when I use the same eye tracker with the built in Windows Eye Control, or Tobii Gaze Point. I thought it was a function of Op…
D:\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe F:/Gaze-Tracking-Trackereyes-master/src/main.py -o results -it cam
F:\Gaze-Tracking-Trackereyes-master\src\data_evaluation.py:31: DeprecationWarning: invalid es…
Short 2 letter words should be entirely highlighted. Words like "it", "is" or "as". You have to switch to reading non-bold text on these words, which is jarring as you are switching back and forth, an…
@erkil1452 ,hello, I want to ask a question:
now I only have a RGB camera, I use this camera to capture people face image, how can I get gaze vector(pitch, yaw)? Is there some method or some paper to…
Hi, I'm trying to integrate Iris into an android app using an .aar, I was able to set up and build the app for face detection using the .aar tutorial, but I'm trying when trying to modify the example …