Your prediction of contest rating is pretty close to the actual one though your site doesn't take into consideration when a user has participated in both the biweekly and weekly contests. It should be…
Hi, when using the `leetcode t ..` or `leetcode x ..`, an error was thrown:
`error: expected value at line 1 column 1`, the full logs are following:
[2020-12-17T03:15:30Z TRACE leetcode_cli:…
#### Your LeetCode username
#### Category of the bug
- [x] Question
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- [ ] Missing Test Cases
#### Description of the bug
I finished f…
#### Your LeetCode username
#### Category of the bug
- [ ] Question
- [ ] Solution
- [ ] Language
- [x] Missing Test Cases
#### Description of the bug
Solution that passes…
Try to add solutions in any of your preferred languages. And Do not forget to add the Time and Space Complexity of your solution.
#### Your LeetCode username
#### Category of the bug
- [X] Question
- [ ] Solution
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- [ ] Missing Test Cases
#### Description of the bug
My solution got…
#### sahilsinghzx77
#### Category of the bug
- Missing Test Cases
#### A test case is missing in LeetCode weekly contest, question number 4 (Parallel Courses III)
#### Code I…
#### Your LeetCode username
#### Category of the bug
- [x] Question
- [ ] Solution
- [ ] Language
- [ ] Missing Test Cases
#### Description of the bug
The [1823. Find th…
Your LeetCode username
Category of the bug
- [ ] Question
- [ ] Solution
- [ ] Language
- [√] Missing Test Cases
Description of the bug
In 28.Implement strStr(), a test case wi…
In weekly contest 254, my rank is shown as 4581 on your website whereas it is 4603. Presumably, you are loading the list at the exact time of completion of the contest whereas you should wait for a fe…