mxRefModels fails with univariate models.
# example rda file
load("https://github.com/OpenMx/OpenMx/files/674322/x.txt", verbose = TRUE)
refModels = mxRefModels(x, run = TRUE)
Error in …
The Holzinger & Swineford abilities dataset packaged with OpenMx at `OpenMx/data/HS.ability.data.txt` differs from other sources for this data. Specifically:
1. The numbers of observations for each sc…
_From @jpritikin on January 10, 2015 14:17_
Per http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicFunctionTakingEigenTypes.html, it is more flexible if all Eigen arguments are declared as MatrixBase. This issue ex…
In the TwinAnalysis_Multivariate_Matrix_Raw.R file,
the current version of the code throws an error.
> fit = mxRun(model)
> Running ACE with 11 parameters
> Warning message:
> In model 'ACE' Optimiz…
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to get R CMD check to pass again. CRAN will probably want a new OpenMx ASAP. Sorry for …
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multi_normal_sufficient.hpp:15:54: fa…
Did a check for UUID collisions and noticed two duplicate items in the bundle:
OpenMx.tmbundle/Commands/Mx->OpenMx Matrix (simple).tmCommand
Possibly disable [haven's labels](https://github.com/hadley/haven) when importing SPSS files. The attribute-filled objects do not play well with many already written processes. An added argument, `lab…