I stumbled upon Valtio thanks to [Leigh Halliday's video titled "The easiest React global state management library - no context/providers!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8l9LiWyQJs)
The title m…
When the state includes a `null` value, valtio-yjs throws an error:
Uncaught Error: unsupported p type
I encountered this when trying to synchronize an array of excalidraw elements bet…
When using `proxyWithComputed` in typescript, the type is not recognized when one computed value is derived from another computed value. Here is the example I was using:
// if you wan…
Hi, I have been using valtio for several months now and decided to try using this plugin today and this is what I ran into.
class ActionDispatcher {
modalRenderer: IModalRenderer |…
useSnapshot uses DeepResolveType as the return type which breaks the type if one of the props is a ref to a ComponentType.
const store: {Comp: React.ComponentType} = {Comp: () => null}
> Please save me some time and use the following template. In 90% of all issues I can't reproduce the problem because I don't know what exactly you are doing, in which environment, or which y-* versio…
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#### Ehdotetut temaattiset ryhmät (YSA-ryhmät)
[65 Valtio-oppi. Politiikka. Kansainvälinen politiikka](ht…
import { proxy, subscribe } from 'valtio/vanilla';
const state = proxy({ arr: ["1"] });
subscribe(state.arr, () => {
console.log("arr changed to:", state.arr);
state.arr = [];
I am getting stuck and hitting a wall. Maybe I have just been working for too long.
useEffect(() => {
const websocketProvider = new WebsocketProvider(
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yhteinen maatalouspolitiikka
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gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken
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common agricu…