#7604 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Failed to allocate a 291612 byte allocation with 96104 free bytes and 93KB until OOM
Issue / Feature - Issue
FolioReader version - 0.4.1
FolioReader Stock / Modified - Stock
Android SDK - 26.1.1
Mobile / Tablet / Emulator Info - Xiaomi Mi-4c
Crash / Error - Error
Steps to r…
After upgrading my OnePlus 6 to Android Pie, the app is no longer receiving measures from a Xiaomi Mi scale.
The Bluetooth icon appears as connected but the records don't get loaded.
The same was wo…
First of all I want to thank you for your work and time. It is very important that we can connect our xiaomi BLE devices to Home Assistant!
I've been trying to run my hygrometer with hassio for thr…
scuplus_version: 0.7.0
手机: Xiaomi-Mi-4c-Android 7.0
微信:6.6.5,SDK: 1.9.97
## Description
After I set the remote context, everything is fine.
But when I open the capture, I get an error.
If someone can help me, I can't get Alexa to discover Homebridge devices. I follow the installation instructions. First executed in terminal of my Mac mini the command sudo npm install-G Homebridge-Al…
scuplus_version: 0.7.0
手机: Xiaomi-Mi-4c-Android 7.0
微信:6.6.5,SDK: 1.9.97
until [ ${RET} -eq 0 ]; do
data=$(/usr/bin/timeout 20 /usr/bin/gatttool -b $bt --char-write-req --handle=0x10 -n 0100 --list…