According to this [developer document](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH…
Apple now gives you a .p8 certificate instead of .p12, so the documentation at django-push-notifications/docs/APNS.rst now fails.
Any guidance on how to generate the .pem I need to use this libra…
Feature Request
- Create API for delete contexts by `criteria`:
- Delete N contexts by criteria - `/api/v1/contexts/count?apn=xyw&imsi=some_data`
- Delete all contexts …
"apns proxy server" は包括的な名前であり、今後もサポートするAPIがZMQソケットであるのなら
"apns zmq proxy" もしくは単独のニックネームを与える方が良いと思いました。
特に packagist.org にクライアントを上げることを考えると。
![2023-10-30 17_48_39-apn](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/assets/4533248/bf5fdfc8-0c5d-4635-9c2c-2b42c5d1f32e)
very similar to:
#3143 #2876
Probably needs a bump again, like:
#2177 or #31…
- Setting
- Kartu SIM & Jaringan seluler
- Nama titik akses (APN)
- buat APN baru
- nama: isi bebas, APN: www.globe.ph, seterusnya kosongkan saja
- save
- tiap banned IP ganti tinggal ganti APN …
The connection to the apns should be kept open between .notify()s. Instead it
is closed and reopened each time you want to send a new message.
Apple says in its documentation that repeated openi…
The connection to the apns should be kept open between .notify()s. Instead it
is closed and reopened each time you want to send a new message.
Apple says in its documentation that repeated openi…
The connection to the apns should be kept open between .notify()s. Instead it
is closed and reopened each time you want to send a new message.
Apple says in its documentation that repeated openi…
I am not getting **410** [status](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/setting_up_a_remote_notification_server/handling_notification_responses_from_apns#3394528) from apns from …