Implement [`E::product_of_pairing()`](https://docs.rs/ark-ec/0.3.0/ark_ec/trait.PairingEngine.html#method.product_of_pairings) in contract.
Cloning [gnark-tests](https://github.com/ConsenSys/gnark-tests) and modifying the solidity test suite as follows:
1. update go.mod
module github.com/consensys/gnark-tests
go 1.16
require …
The Miller Loop is the costliest operation in pairings. Unlike the final exponentiation, it must be called once per multi-pairing element as well and so when doing large batched BLS signature verifica…
// Path
pub struct Path {
pub(crate) path: [F; N],
impl Path {
pub fn check_membership(
root_hash: &F,
leaf: &F,
Hi guys.
I just ran the example code in the README file. Then the following issues occurred.
"cannot use &witness (value of type *CubicCircuit) as *witness.Witness value in argument to groth16.…
For security, we should validate all the group and field elements in a plonk proof and public inputs. This is similar to the small group check we had in our jellyfish's deserialization logic.
### What's wrong
We want to be able to verify the proof with ETH l1 contract. pasta curve is too gas costly for that purpose.
We need to switch to kzg polynomial commitment and bn254 curve.
Cubic example is great and easy to follow. But lib should have an example that uses **private** secret visibility so it is easier to learn and understand the use of **public** and **private**
This issue tracks Zebra's progress implementing the entire Zcash protocol specification, indexed by spec section.
A checkbox means that that part of the specification describes something to impleme…
We should get on the latest version of rust (at the time of writing this) and then stick to the same version for a whole development cycle.