Un occupant saisi un suivi suite à la redirection intégrée dans le mail de validation du signalement
Le suivi est créé mais par le compte du tiers déclarant avec le nom , prénom et partenaire du tier…
@VSerain suite de la [#1367](https://github.com/betagouv/api-subventions-asso/pull/1472) avec comme commentaire "**@VSerain** Rajoute une commande pour instancier les comptes déjà créer dans brevo"
### 🔖 Feature description
I would like to work on adding Brevo as a provider for Email
### 🎤 Why is this feature needed ?
This integration will support Email based communication between clients
### Description
As mentionned [here](https://developers.brevo.com/docs/changes-in-smtp-relay-address?utm_source=brevo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FR-product-update-SMTP%20Relay%20-%2007%2023&utm_te…
### Brand Name
### Official Resources for Icon and Color
new name & brand
Source: https://www.brevo.com/blog/becoming-brevo/
Brand logos: https://www.brevo.com/press-room/
2 Steps for th…
##### Brief description of problem/feature
The provider we use to send password reset emails has rebranded from SendInBlue to Brevo. As such, we need to change the SMTP relay address **before August …
First of all thank you guys for the good work, please keep doing 👍🏻.
Quick remininder: As of the **30th of august 2023**, Sendinblue's smtp will change to their new domain name : **brev…
Hello, I've been trying to follow this example https://developers.brevo.com/recipes/bulk-send-and-customise-transactional-messages-in-nodejs, and my requests end with an error "sender is missing." I c…
- [x] Supprimer la question (batiment>surface)
- [x] modifier la formulation de la question déchets _"Aimeriez-vous améliorer la gestion des déchets de votre activité ?"_
- [x] Revenir aux tranche…
cf FIGMA / page MVP : https://www.figma.com/file/tHgzORFkJYTVspsQgR2kg6/TEE-V5?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=OYeAlQqO7ecsskVX-0
cf #109
### Critères d'acceptabilité :
- [x] Nouvelle…